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IMIFLEX® Herbicide

Bromoxynil Fluroxypyr Flucarbazone IMAZAMOX

With the dynamic weed-fighting power of IMIFLEX™ herbicide from UPL plus innovative igrowth® non-GMO herbicide-tolerant grain sorghum from Alta Seeds®, you get more efficient growth and the best value for your sorghum investment. IMIFLEX and igrowth together create a groundbreaking system that controls Texas panicum, foxtail and a variety of other tough weeds pre- or post-emergence for improved production and flexibility. That’s the kind of innovation that can transform your acres – and your operation.


For application directions, refer to the product label.


Always read and follow label directions. All products, UPL and the UPL logo are trademarks of a UPL Corporation Limited Group Company.

All other products are trademarks of their respective companies. ©2024 UPL Corporation Limited Group Company. 24-UPL-1549

Additional Product Details

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Quick Facts

Broad-spectrum systemic herbicide for use in sorghum containing the Alta Seeds® igrowth tolerance technology

Excellent crop safety with igrowth sorghum

Consistent performance across geographical regions

Flexible application timing can be used pre- or post-emergence

Long-lasting control of hard-to-kill grassy weeds including Texas panicum, crabgrass, and foxtail

15–20% increase in pre-emergent control of Texas panicum

Compatibility with traditional sorghum herbicide programs

Additional tool for pigweed management

Crop Application Recommended Use Rate Other Use Information
igrowth Sorghum Pre-emergence 6 fl oz (0.047 lb ae)/A to 9 fl oz (0.072 lb ae)/A At this rate, 1 gallon of IMIFLEX will treat 14.2 to 21.3 acres of igrowth sorghum.
igrowth Sorghum Post-emergence 6 fl oz (0.047 lb ae)/A. At this rate, 1 gallon of IMIFLEX will treat 21.3 acres of igrowth sorghum.

Trials https://us.uplcorp.com/product_sections/jeXNkK0hJmWXOuZlF9XSFAPJ7GWOT9mMuNKwfe8N.jpeg Trials https://us.uplcorp.com/product_sections/T9t3GUH2wVKoYvxaswQJz78iYfBb8LjPohTPCCoN.jpeg Trials https://us.uplcorp.com/product_sections/6d9eZok9TIcTKicREXUzoFeMxQyIW3e3OYSOjdd5.jpeg Trials https://us.uplcorp.com/product_sections/2bjhoGxVIR8rXOSTZHw2wT326YqXythdNpslMrtT.jpeg
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